Buddyhead presents Filthy Goldberg going perv-to-perv with Jared Swilley and Cole Alexander from the Black Lips.
Seeing a Black Lips show is like watching a band of gypsy witches gang-bang a daycare for autistic homosexuals. And wait till you hear them talk.
Let Dr. Jared and Prof. Cole tutor you on:
- Funerals for condoms
- Semen-beasts
- The art of Wang-fu
- Hookers that get hit
- Hookers that clean and cook
- Hookers from Iceland
Someone get these kids some helmets.
Since Buddyhead has been offline, we found out about this thing called the internet. Apparently, we can stream music. And since we don’t care to ask relevant questions, the Black Lips didn’t get to plug their album, 200-Million-Thousand out on Vice. So we’ll let you listen to it here at no cost. No sign-up jive. No limited-listen jive. Shit is free.
Buddyhead is tired of watching boring-homos with shitty camera crews talking ROCK N’ ROLL like its a community college assignment. So we are stepping up some big game on that end.
BUDDYHEAD is comin’ BACK and won’t do you no wrong, children.